conceptualize your online marketing strategy

Do you understand how your online marketing is working for you?

I bring clarity, perspective and strategy insight by evaluation your online footprint through meaning one-on-one consultation and a deep dive audit of your digital properties.

extensive background

20+ Years Experience

As an online digital strategist and business owner, I have experienced the benefits of having an optimized online presence that works for me and the clients I have served.

Outside perspective brings clarity

What can I audit for you?

SEO / Analytics

How is SEO effecting your business? Are best practices being followed? What do your metrics tell you?

Social Media (Paid)

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X (formally Twitter).


Is your Google Ads campaign optimized? 9 out 10 accounts I audit are incorrectly configured resulting in wasted ad budget.


I developement a measure plan that aligns with strategy and ultimate goals of your business.


Let's examine your metrics and understand what your clients are looking for. Is the flow, user interface, experience inherently smooth?

Content Marketing​

How is your content marketing working for you? Is it properly integrated with your SEO and paid ad campaigns? Does it compliment your offerings?

Let's get started

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Let's Get started

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