Forms are one of the most effective ways to generate lead conversions on your website. A form needs to be designed to in such a way that is it is easy for the users as well collecting all the information needed to convert your leads to sales. There are many different types of forms which can include email newsletter signups, donation modules, quotes, contact forms, etc. Below are some live examples. [tabs style=”default” title=”Various Lead Generating Forms”] [tab title=”Email Newsletter Signups”]
Email Newsletter Signup
This form can be integrated into your email marketing program such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, and more.
Here is a popup version for a low profile design: [button link=”#fancyboxID-1″ class=”fancybox-inline”]Email Newsletter Popup Signup[/button]
[/tab] [tab title=”Contact Forms”]
Contact Forms
Contact forms are very important for any website. They needs to short and simple. Here is an example of the contact form our this website.
Contact Form (iService)
Here is an example of the contact form we designed for our client iService. [/tab][tab title=”Donation Module Forms”]
Donation Module Forms
Many non profits need donation options that are full integrated into there website and Paypal for there contributors to make donations easily. The entire process is complete customizable based on the needs and projects of your organization. Here is an example of one such form. [/tab] [tab title=”Surveys”]
Survey Forms
Surveys are a great way to follow up with your customers and gain valuable feedback and testimonials using your email marketing program. All survey forms can be tracked back to the original customer for further followup.
Another Survey Example
Notice how the form changes based on how users respond. [/tab] [tab title=”Quotes”]
We can create forms that will give users instant quotes. Here is an example of two such forms. The first form generates a quote for used Macs. [hr] This form generates a quote for used iPhones, iPads, and iPods. [/tab] [/tabs] [hr]
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